JNTUH Circular related to B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester and 1-1 Regular/Supply Exams as per schedule already given
JNTUH All the Principals of JNTUH Constituent and affiliated colleges are informed to note that the B. Tech. / B. Pharm. first year first semester (I-I) Regular/Supplementary exams and fourth year second semester (IV-II) Regular/Supplementary exams will be conducted as per the schedule already given (i.e., B. Tech. / B. Pharm. fourth year second semester Regular/Supplementary exams from 05-07-2021 onwards and first year first semester Regular/Supply exams from 06-07-2021 onwards).
This is for your information and necessary arrangements.
JNTUH Revised B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester Exams Time Table - July 2021 [Dated on 1st July 2021]
JNTUH Revised B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R18, R16) & 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Table - July 2021 [Dated on 1st July 2021]
JNTUH Circular related to B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester and 1-1 Regular/Supply Exams as per schedule already given
Release b.pharmacy 2-2 and 3-2 left exams time table.
ReplyDeletePlease Release b.pharmacy completed 2-1 3-1 4-1 March results