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JNTUH Mode & Guidelines for conducting the first midterm examinations of B.Tech & B.Pharmacy courses - Dec 2020

JNTUH The Principals of the colleges offering BTech and BPharm courses are informed to note the following guidelines for conducting the first midterm examinations of the odd semester students:

1. The I midterm examinationsof BTech / BPharm shall be conducted in descriptive mode as specified in the academic regulations; i.e. the objective and the descriptive papers for a duration of 1 hour 20 minutes (20 minutes for objective and one hour for descriptive examinations).

2. The examination may be conducted at the identified host colleges in addition to the parent college. The college principals have to take the city/town preferences of the students and identify only one center for all the students of one town/city, in addition to their own college. The colleges need to directly contact the host colleges to provide the examination venue to their students.

3. For other state students, hostel accommodation may be provided in the college attached hostels, following the COVID-19 norms and protocols. A declaration need to be taken from those students wrt complying with the COVID-19 norms while residing in the hostels. The accommodation should be strictly limited to other state students.

4. The sufficient number of question papers subject-wise need to be sent to the host colleges. All the question papers of one subject need to be bundled separately and allthese bundles of one session need to be kept in one envelope and sealed. Sufficient number of answer booklets are also to be packed for eachhost college along with the question papers.

5. Confidentiality and integrity should be maintained in entire process of conducting the examination. Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously and punitive action will be taken to this effect.

6. All the students must carry their college-identity cards while writing theirmidterm exams both at parent colleges as well asat host colleges.

7. The question papers of first-midterm examinations need to be set by the parent colleges.

8. The first midterm examinations of odd semesters of B. Tech. & B.Pharm. courses shall be conducted from 23-12-2020; Further on 21-12-2020 and 22-12-2020 class work need to be continued.

9. There shall be two examinations on one day and the examinations shall be conducted on alternative days for the students.

10. There will be four slots of examinations (9:30 AM to 10:50AM, 11:30AM to 12:50PM, 1:30PM to 2:50PM, and 3:30PM to 4:50 PM). On first and third slots, second year examinations and on second & fourth slots, final year examinations will be scheduled. On the following day, first and third slots, third year exams will be scheduled.

11. The Principals are informed to depute the staff of their respective colleges who are residing in nearby towns/villages to the host colleges to perform the observer duty at the host centers.

12. University examination branch shall make arrangements to send the mid exam question papers and stationary of their students to all the host colleges selected by the parent colleges(if the colleges prefer to take the service of the University). The parent colleges need to submit the materials in packed condition to exam branch by 21-12-2020 (Monday) evening. The actual transportation charges per candidate basis, will be computed and shall be borne by the parent colleges.

13. The answer booklets after the examinations are to be packed at the host-colleges, parent-college-wise & session-wise and may be handed over to the parent colleges on daily basis or after the last exam as per the requests made by the Principals of the parent colleges. If the answer booklets are to be handed over after the last day of exams, all the sealed answer booklet bundles must be kept in safe and secured place under the direct control of Principal of Host College. If the parent colleges take the help from University examination branch for the transport of the material, on the next day after the last examination, University shall make arrangements to collect the answer booklets from all the host colleges route-wise. The parent colleges need to collect the answer booklets of their students from the University exam branch.

14. The seating arrangement should be in zig-zag manner and all the COVID norms are to be strictly followed.

15. The charges of Rs. 20/- per candidate per subject may be paid directly to the host colleges

JNTUH Mode & Guidelines for conducting the first midterm examinations of B.Tech & B.Pharmacy courses - Dec 2020

JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 Semester Mid I Examinations Time Table - December 2020


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