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JNTUH Examinations For Other Semesters of B.Tech / B.Pharmacy / PG Courses will be held in 2nd & last week of October 2020

JNTUH The Principals are informed to note that the second spell of University exams are likely to commence from 2nd week of October, 2020 (This notification will be issued shortly). This second spell semester examinations comprises of regular& supply examinations of all PG courses (including Pharm D) and all I-1, II-1, III-1 and IV-1 supply exams of B.Tech. and B.Pharm. courses. All the I-2, II-2 and III-2 (even semester) regular examinations of B. Tech.& B. Pharm. courses shall be conducted in the third spell of semester exams, which will commence from the last week of October, 2020.

With regard to the center preferences (centers near to their place of residence), unlike in the previous spell, the students can choose the exam centers (not the districts) as preferences. The Principals are informed to collect three center preferences from the students for all the regular & supplementary examinations of spell-2 and spell-3. The last date to upload the Center preferences of all students, to the registrations portal, is 23-09-2020 (Wednesday).

Giving three preference centers is mandatory for the students who wish to write the exam at other than parent colleges. The system shall allocate one of the three centers randomly. If any student gives only one or two center preferences, then the criterion for the allocation is as follows: firstly, the system shall allocate the center to those who have given all three valid preferences, then the system shall allocate center to those who have given two valid preferences and then finally to those who have given one center as preference if the accommodation is still available at the center. If accommodation is not available at any of the preference centers, the student shall be allocated the parent college (by default). The students who wish to write their examinations at the parent college should not give the preferences.

The centers allotted to IV-II B.Tech/B.Pharm students and IV Sem MBA students for writing their final semester exams (spell-1) shall be retained; However if these students desire to change their centers, the options from these students should also be collected. If these students want to write at Parent College or some other college, such students need to give their preferences.

The answer booklets shall be printed and packed based on the preferences which the students opt now. Hence the change of exam center shall not be entertained. With genuine reasons if Principals ask for the change of center of any student after the center allotment, for each exam- student combination, a penalty of Rs. 1,000/- shall be levied.

The services for semester exam registrations of all semesters of B.Tech, B.Pharm & MBA (except final semester) and all semesters of MCA, M.Tech, M.Pharm, PharmD with late fee are now enabled. The Principals are informed to communicate with all the students who have not yet registered for their semester examinations.

Like in the first spell, in next two spells also, the colleges are requested to extend their services to the autonomous colleges under JNTUH, for their students who desire to write the exam in your city /place. The colleges will be intimated about the allotted autonomous colleges as well as session-wise students’ count.

After the examination of each session, each autonomous college answer scripts must be separately bundled with rubber bands/ packed and all the autonomous college bundles/ packets must be packed into one big bundle. These answer scripts should not be mixed with University exams answer scripts.

Instructions related to conduct of semester exams of Autonomous Colleges :
The Principals are informed to note that each autonomous college answer scripts must be separately bundled with rubber bands/ packed and all the autonomous college bundles/ packets must be packed as into big bundle.

These answer scripts should not be mixed with Univ exams answer scripts

The above instructions must be scrupulously followed

JNTUH Examinations For Other Semesters of B.Tech / B.Pharmacy / PG Courses will be held in 2nd & last week of October 2020


  1. Plz promate the suplly students

  2. Plz cancel the exams sir......

  3. Please allow the question bank for 3-2 regular
    Note: you guys are stupid uneducated why the hell start 4-1 academic year if 3-2 exams have to be held in future.dont you have brain or common sense.

  4. Sir during this pandemic situation it is very difficult for us to manage our daily requirements like food transport washroom requirements. And the major part is we need to go back to our homes after every exam and being afraid to meet our parents because maybe we are exposed and don't want to be a reason for our parents ill ness.please consider the situation and help us sir
    Thank you

    Sorry if you feel I said something wrong.

  5. Plsss extend atleast regular exams ..... .....

  6. I am in village we are in qurentine 20 days how to write exams ?

  7. We are not pay supply fees, now any possibility to pay supply fees

  8. Sir either promote your Or extend exam date for supply students

  9. Suddenly how you people are announcing this thing atleast 45 days time you should give for exams

  10. JNTUH is totally stupid pls cancel all the exam except final years

  11. Plz postpone the xam we will write the xam but not now

  12. Train is closed how can I reach Hyderabad I live in darbhanga

  13. A primary school is better than JNTUH

  14. Please sir postpone the exam how we will write the exam at this pandemic situation

  15. Please understand sir we are not able to write exam

  16. Nim ka patta kadwa hai JNTUH bhadwa hai

  17. Plz promote the all exams sirr..
    And I am in village how to write the exams..

  18. If they are ready to take exam then why they told us about promotion. This all about f**k money and harassing all the students and playing with their life in in this covid 19 pandemic situation.

  19. Sir this is not joke plz atleast cancel regular exams

  20. The system creates such troubles for students and then people wonder about suicide cases. Why don't you use your sense JNTU management. Already the situation is tense. Prople are dying. People are starving, losing jobs. Already there's lot of stress. Students left for their hometowns. Now without planning the university suddenly introduced these exams. I sometimes feel like you wantedly want students to fail, So that you could steal money from them for suplees and all. You evil people, how can someone prepare for both suplees and regular exams at the same time. It clearly describes your evil intentions. If you have little bit of humanity left inside you, Postpone the exams untill the situation settles down.

  21. Plz promote the supply exams sirr..
    And I am in village how to write the exams,how will come to Hyderabad.sir understand our problems

  22. How come u people can conduct xms in this pandemic and what is the possibility that we can go to home safely can u give us surety

  23. Plz cancel all supply sir due to of carona

  24. Transportation problem and syllabus problem sir
    So please cancel exams

  25. This is not at all fair jntuh ,plz cancel the exams this is corona situation, pass every students supply as well as regular,plz don't do this for money,don't play with our life's


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