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Telangana State High Level Committee meeting regarding holding of examinations for the current academic year 2019-2020

Telangana State - PRESS NOTE


A High Level Committee Meeting under the Chairmanship of Smt. Sabitha Indira Reddy garu, Honble Minister for Education, Govt. of Telangana was held today i.e., on 18.06.2020 in the Office of Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Masab Tank, Hyderabad.

The following members were present :
1. Sri Somesh Kumar, IAS, Hon'ble Chief Secretary to Govt
2. Smt. Chitra Ramachandran, IAS, Spl. Chief Secretary to Govt., Edn Dept.,
3. Prof. T Papi Reddy, Chairman, TSCHE
4. Prof. R Limbadri, Vice Chairman, TSCHE
5. Prof. V Venkata Ramana, Vice Chairman,TSCHE
6. Sri. Arvind Kumar, IAS, VC I/c, Osmania University
7. Dr. B Janardhan Reddy, IAS, VC I/c, Kakatiya University
8. Sri. Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, VC I/c, JNT University
9. Sri. Navin Mittal, IAS, CCE CTE
10.Smt. Neetu Kumari Prasad, IAS, VC I/c, Telangana University
11. Sri. Syed Omar Jaleel, IAS, Secretary, Intermediate Education
12.Dr. N Srinivas Rao, Secretary, TSCHE
13. Prof. A Goverdhan, Rector, JNT University
14.Dr. M Mansoor Hussain, Registrar, JNT University
15. Prof Ch Gopal Reddy, Registrar, OU
16. Prof. K Purushotam, Registrar, KU

The members discussed at length about the various alternatives regarding holding examinations for the current year 2019-2020 in the State of Telangana for Higher Educational Institutions.

The views of the members were elicited by the Hon'ble Minister for Education regarding the Academic and other related issues.

The Hon'ble Minister for Education stated that these views and suggestions shall be put up to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Govt. of Telangana for his directions shortly.

Telangana State High Level Committee meeting regarding holding of examinations for the current academic year 2019-2020


  1. Respected sir, madam, when will they conduct exams for degree 2nd year students

  2. Respected sir, madam please conduct the examinations for atleast final years

    1. Hii bro ,There is no situation for exam in hyderabad.almost all students will be promoted with out exam.

  3. We students r not perfect 2 write exams . So, plz requesting our cm kcr garu 2 promote every students . A humble request from students . There is no use by writing exams without knowing anything plz promote us

  4. Respected sir,Is there exams for pharmacy students..

  5. In the meeting u r thinking about students features but one thing everything can b gained outdoor not only in books so just promote them

  6. The people and the students are very bothered by the corona. So getting exams in a time like this can be a problem. This can cause a lot of trouble for the students. So you better understand the situation and not perform exams. Pass all students. Also pass those who are supplementary.

  7. Sir we can't write exams sir plz promote all

  8. Respect sir,
    Conduct only for B.Tech Final year because we have a project vivo also and one more if u can conduct supply exam only for final years.Because we have to complete our degree on time .so pls regarding my statement sir.

  9. Kcr sir plz promote us...bcz we are not able to write exams sir,covid cases are increasing day by day so it's not safe sir....plz promote... engineering 3rd yrs....

  10. I have 1 backlog and i don't have Grace option.. Please conduct the exam Or pass me with my internal marks... Please

  11. June 23 meeting was decided our future of all ug, pg students. In these covid series mostly do not possible to conduct the xms and previous sems and marks are there that's enough to promote and I think myself mostly prefer to get out the finalyar students with all supplies and regular that's best and 1,2,3 r enough to promote only regular that's enough it's myself decision (arthamavthunda 😜😜)

    Final year's
    Hi sir we r final years and we r all ready to write exams and make fastly to completed the exams but present situation is high risky were increasing the cases world 4 place occupied the India and make sure about decision taking mostly the students are from different states and diff districts it's ok mostly dangerous is in Ghmc area hv a lot of colleges that's sooo risky I know all professors and ministers and ias and ips sirs very very struggling to take the decision especially cm sir. I hope understand our problems and we are all understood people problem s and state problems
    Wt ever your decision wt u make to do go on sirs we are all ready to face it with the mask 😷 .

    Jai hind 🇮🇳
    Jai jawan jai kisan


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